Sunday, December 5, 2010

Upcoming SNA on Dec 6th

Hey everyone. We're down to the final days of the semester. We are also having our last SNA meeting of the semester at 1PM in Locke 313. For this meeting, we have Nancy Ryan from Grand Canyon University. Are you interested in possibly going from RN to BSN while taking classes at home? GCU offers a online baccalaureate nursing program. If taking online classes even peaks your interest at all, then you should attend this meeting. For more information on Grand Canyon University check

Last meeting, we had nominations for officers and each ran unopposed.

Congratulations to the new officers for Spring 2011:

Anna Gonzales: President
Jody Sytten: Vice President
Paula Thomson: Treasurer
Clair Giedt: Secretary
Tanya Daniel: President-Elect

Being the last meeting and it getting close to the holidays, we'll also have a bunch of treats and food for everyone to snack on. Please join us as we try to end 2010 with a bang. It was great working with all of you this year. Thank you and good luck to everyone as you progress in your nursing careers.

-AJ Arriola
SNA President, Fall 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Toy Drive

The SJDC Student Nurses Association’s
Community Health Committee Presents:

Toy and Book Drive
November 29th – December 10th

In Support of: Family Ties

Please bring your new toys and books for infants and children up to the age of 6 years.

Please bring donations to:
The Nursing and Health Sciences Division Office, Locke 203
Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM

If you have any questions please contact
Susan Galyon at or
Jody Sytten at