Hi, everybody!! This is Anna Gonzales and Stephanie Jenks from your class of 2011. We decided to start up our class's blog. I would like to start off and say "Congratulations" to you all for making it into the ADN program. I welcome you all into your new "nursing family". This blog will serve as a great resource tool in posting questions, pictures, links, study guides and weekly questions. Please make sure you BOOKMARK this website. There will be a lot of information coming your way in the next couple of weeks. So PLEASE check back to your blog frequesntly time to time. This website will serve as a great resource to you all throughout your nursing program. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Stephanie Jenks at stephaniejenks@hotmail.com or myself at agonzales33@comcast.net. Well enough play, I better get back into studying for my N1 exam this Thursday. Well good luck to you all on your N1 exam this Thursday and I will look forward into meeting you all.
~Anna Gonzales & Stephanie Jenks .^_^.